Many, many years ago when I was a newly divorced mother, I was seeking answers about why my personal path went so seriously off the rails. I wondered what my part was in both my marriage and the divorce that followed, so I wouldn’t repeat it, As I looked at the deep psychological layers within, I knew I faced a daunting journey. I sought guidance from the Universe, participated in meditation groups, learned astrology, and took a good look at psychic phenomena. I was pretty much raised without religion and was now a “New England hippie,” seeking answers in that culture. Then one night, I had a dream with that extra energy and impact that happens pretty rarely but where you know it’s from a divine source and a real answer to our deep questions. Here’s the dream:
I approached the edge of a swimming pool and somehow knew I needed to complete a difficult challenge and one that appeared almost physically impossible. I was to sit on an old-fashioned wood straight-back chair with its back to the water, perched on the edge of the pool. I was to sit there and hurl my legs up and over my head so that I and the chair would land in the water, but without the chair hitting me! So I sat there until I realized I wasn’t going anywhere until I tackled this. Gathering all my energy, I threw my legs up and somehow managed a complete revolution, landing feet first in the water, farther out than the chair.
Next, I knew I had to swim to the bottom to see what light or message awaited me there. Once again I faced a challenge because the water was murky with tendrils of seaweed floating up from the depths. But it was the only way forward, so I did a surface dive and pushed through the seaweed. Oddly, it never actually touched me but parted as I approached it. And I didn’t seem to need to breathe and could just keep going. Quicker than I imagined, the seaweed disappeared and I was on the bottom where I was greeted by a sand bottom, not concrete, The sides of the pool had been ringed with nicely sculpted granite and with normal concrete sides, but this bottom was like what you’d find at the bottom of a natural pond. Yellow-green light filtered down from above. The sand was tinged with a little natural material, not pristine but with a clean, comfortable normalcy. I started to swim around looking for what I was meant to find.
Pretty shortly, I saw a watch on the sand. It had a yellow patent-leather watchband and a Mickey Mouse face! I laughed because there was so much of childhood in it, even whimsy. When I later discussed this with a friend, she suggested that yellow symbolized “The Gift of Time,” meaning when I finally got to the bottom of my soul and understood my path, I would be given the gift of time and a new life.
I have harkened back to the this dream many times, and it’s given me renewed hope to keep trudging in the darker times we all experience. I even bought a Mickey Mouse watch at Disneyland years ago! And I found a picture on a greeting card that further symbolized my journey. I call it my Winter Lady. Here it is:

She isn’t warmly dressed, has inadequate sandals on for a walk through snow, but the bright snow flakes speak of inspiration and encouragement from spiritual sources, and the determination and sparkle in her eyes speak of the triumphal journey’s end she seeks. I was on this journey for over 40 years!
Recently, I’ve had indications that my long journey is approaching a turn in the road. In December 2019, the Holy Spirit whispered to me that I was being released from financial struggle. I had refinanced my house that fall and then in 2020, I sold that house for a healthy profit, enabling me to downsize into a very nice apartment in a senior complex in Utah, with no debt and money in the bank. I can now focus on inspirational writing, education publishing and making referrals in real estate. Whoopie – my soul’s work, at last. The new life approaches!
Finally, in keeping with Signs follow them that believe (Mark 16:17), I had a small, but eerie experience. I’ve struggled twice a year to reset my car’s clock. The owner’s manual didn’t help – all I could manage was to adjust the hours but not the minutes – aargh! Finally I gave up and just lived with the minutes being off. This week I tried one more time and happened to push the Time button twice and guess what? The minutes flashed and I could adjust them. Then I pushed it once and the hours flashed – I am on the correct time for the first time in some years. As background, I’ve been playing catch-up with my own life because I focused on digging out the past and bringing that part of me up to speed. Is my soul also on correct time, finally?
I’m finally settled in and can see only new projects ahead, and with very little residue from the past (at least for now). My children and grandchildren are gathering here this weekend to celebrate my son’s birthday and also just getting together. One way or another all six of us are launching new lives so we all have exciting horizons to celebrate. What a trip! to use an old hippie phrase. It’s full-on spring and now I can embrace the sister picture to the one above that I call my Summer Lady. Here she is (thank you, Claude Monet):

Even long seasons of adversity have an end – a sure promise from God. If you don’t believe me, read the Book of Job!
And in an Anne of Green Gables sequel movie, Anne tells her spinster headmistress (of the school where Anne teaches): It’s a long road without any turning! The headmistress was visiting Anne during the summer break and catches the eye of a middle-aged bachelor, commenting with amazement that this could happen so late in her life. Anne’s reply has an archetypal ring to it. It embodies God’s promises that all sorrow will eventually turn to joy, and release from adversity will come.
I hope this story brings you as much hope as it brings me. And remember: Signs follow them that believe! And adversity does end, sooner for those who keep working for their dreams and squarely face the challenges of growth!